The State of New York really should be two or three separate states but autonomous regions should be easier to achieve. Our Secession plan calls for establishing a more representative form of government than the strange form of democracy NYS currently has which allows downstate to rule upstate which destroys good paying jobs upstate , while upstate can occasionally block things downstate wishes to enact. We would partition NYS into Autonomous Regions the New Amsterdam Region (upstate) and the New York Region (downstate) alongside a token state government to comply with the US Constitution. We also have a three region option if enough people want it.
NYS no longer listens to the will of the people, especially those of us in the Upstate counties. Our governor shakes his fist in the face of, how the majority of Upstate and Long Island feel about a multitude of issues, for example, fiscal responsibility, putting our own citizens’ rights first, and staying out of our daily lives through over-regulation & over-taxation. It’s time to cease fantasizing that that NYS legislators have the best interests of the people in mind. That if we just elect the right people into office all will be well. We know from our own recent history that they go into office with one set of core values and in a very short time, those values are turned upside down. In our plan Congress can be legally bypassed because we are forming regions not a new state or moving counties between states. This plan also can bypass the NYS Legislature; because this Nov 2017 the people of NYS get to vote on whether to hold a NY State Constitutional Convention. If we vote YES on the NYS Convention the first step in our plan to form autonomous regions is complete. The Main reasons for a NYS Constitutional Convention are the ability to Divide NYS into Regions, and Create Term Limits, Budget Reform, or Real Ethics Reform. A NYS Constitutional Convention should NOT be confused with a Federal Constitution Convention (sometimes called an Article V Con-Con) which is called if 2/3 of the States pass resolutions requesting one. The members of a Federal Con-Con are appointed by the State legislators the people have no say in choosing them. Amendments must be approved by 3/4 of the States and because the US Constitution protects our rights; all our rights are at risk !!! A NYS Constitutional Convention is called by the voters; the vote is this Nov 2017. Delegates are chosen by voters, and any amendments must be approved by the voters. NO rights are at risk. It’s time for us to demand the self-government assured to us by our Founders. It’s time for Autonomous Regions! What are you willing to do to bring about the Autonomous Regions? Are you willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with us? Are you willing to fight for liberty for Upstate and Long Island counties? We cannot do this without you. We need your support in order to triumph in this great undertaking. First we need your financial support as we move forward with plan for Autonomous Regions, to stop Andy and his cronies, from depriving us of the adequate representation guaranteed by US constitution. Everyone knows that freedom isn’t free. Will you donate today? ____$25 ___$50 ___$100 ___$500 ____$1,000 __other You are part of history that will be noted by your kids, grandkids – all of your posterity because we will succeed. We must succeed – for them! Comments are closed.
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