We need your help to find more NYS Senators and more NYS Assembly(wo)men to co-sponsor New York State legislative bill numbers A05498 - S5416 which propose a constitutional amendment to divide the state into three autonomous regions. Please ask your NYS Senator or a Senator near you to co-sponsor the Senate bill S5416 in the NYS Senate; you can use this link https://www.nysenate.gov/senators-committees to contact your Senator by clicking on their picture. Also please ask your NYS Assembly(wo)man or a Assembly(wo)man near you to co-sponsor the Assembly bill A05498 in the NYS Assembly; you can use this link https://www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/ contact your Assembly(wo)man by clicking on their picture.e You may have contact them twice a month for several months before they become a co-sponsor. You can check via both underlined bill numbers at the top of this article to see who already a co-sponsor. They are listed just below the sponsor's name. -------------------------------- Donations Gratefully Accepted Here are the Donation Options: Click the DONATE button below to donate via PayPal or Everbutton/Stripe If you wish to mail a check or money order; please make it payable to: Divide NYS Caucus Inc PO Box 1634 Latham NY 12110 Please comment on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/newamsterdamny
Comment in our Reddit Community https://www.reddit.com/r/DivideNY/ or post in our in our MeWe group https://mewe.com/group/5ad55afefa19d110b3b1ca4d Comments are closed.
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